Gay Squirter - The Online Magazine Website For Gay Men

“A Barebacked First Time – My Erotic Journey.”

“A Barebacked First Time – My Erotic Journey.”

The sun was creeping up‍ over the horizon‌ just like my anticipation for the ​night ahead. Our ‍bodies close, so near but yet so far apart, I felt a heat coming off of him,‌ an electricity that coursed‌ through my veins and stimulated every nerve in my body. We⁤ both⁣ knew ‍that tonight was the night. Before I could even​ take ​a breath,‌ his lips were on mine and I was‍ lost in a blur of desire. I felt his hands ‍slide down my bare back as we continued to kiss, his hands desperately searching for ‌that special something he knew⁢ I had to offer him – a spot in‍ my bed that was⁢ soon to ⁣be taken up by a ‌wild and passionate night that would far ‍exceed any expectations I might have had.

Table ‍of Contents

1. ⁢Taking​ the‍ Plunge

1. Taking the Plunge

  • The ​Night Begins

I’d been eyeing him all night, my gaze following his as he moved⁢ through the​ club, dancing and chatting, his ​body perfectly defined under the neon lights. I felt my pulse quicken as he told me just what he was thinking, what​ he wanted from me, then I felt a thrill go through me as he ⁣shifted closer and whispered in my ear. He made me feel special, something‌ I hadn’t experienced in a ​long time, and I⁣ knew then and there that I wanted him.

  • Making the Move

We danced a little more, then I made ​my⁢ move. I took his hand and ⁢led him outside and into the night, the cool, crisp air feeling⁣ electric ‍on my skin. I let him⁢ know⁤ that I wanted him, all of him, and he nodded in response, his ⁤skin glowing in the dark. When I found a nice‌ secluded spot, I took him in my arms and bent⁢ him over, ​my hands on his hips as I drove into him, raw and bare, ​my hips likely calling​ out to the stars above.
2. Exploring the Forbidden

2. Exploring the Forbidden

  • The Invitation

The temptation to indulge was already‍ present, simmering beneath the surface. I had already been‌ pushed‌ to breaking point and‍ I was desperate for release. All inhibitions had⁢ been dismissed and I was ready to let go of the fear ⁢and resistance that ‍had held me back so far. When the invitation ‌came, I was⁢ ready to⁤ accept.

A perfect stranger and over a long-distance phone call, I had already quietly surrendered to the thought of us and the possibility of ‌going ‍all the way. I hungrily agreed to his terms and the die was cast. I had irreversibly given in to the offer of anal pleasure like ​the proverbial moth to the flame.

  • The Act of Surrender

The day of the meeting finally came. As I ‍made my way through the busy city streets, I could feel ‌the anticipation and excitement inside me coiling itself around me ​like an invisible ‍blanket. Everything that I wanted had finally been laid on the table, as clear as the night.

The‍ sensations and emotions raced through me as I found ‌the door to his place. I stood silent and ⁤naked at his bedroom threshold as I considered the moment. I felt his eyes ​beckoning me forward to the bed,⁢ and finally, after a deep and silent moment of⁤ consenting thought, my surrender was accepted. And‍ when we did it, it felt glorious. We were two men, and it was our⁣ first time together. ⁣It was one of the most intimate, euphoric experiences I’d ever had. Nothing can ‍quite compare​ to the feeling of‌ letting go and‍ allowing ​someone else to be the one to‌ pleasure you. As I ​drifted off to sleep afterward, I felt like a different person. I’d gone to sleep a man without consequence, and I’d woken up a man without inhibition.
3. Balanced on⁢ the Edge of Ecstasy

3. Balanced⁣ on the Edge of Ecstasy

Shaking ⁤with anticipation, I felt his hands move firmly up my bare back, pressing into me as he kissed⁣ me in an ever deepening passionate frenzy. The sheer​ need ‌coursing through my body sent‌ electricity up my spine, the hairs ⁢on my ⁤body standing tall ⁤with pleasure.

I felt him take a step backwards, lifting​ his ⁣head and‍ gazing into my eyes, his⁢ hands still ⁣firmly on my tender, fragile skin. I was powerless,‌ unable to move, standing ‍still as he took off his shirt and his jeans, exposing his muscled body with a deep⁤ 3-D shadow,⁢ the sunlight flickering across him. I opened my​ mouth ⁣to speak, ⁤not sure of what to say, my anxiety rising in his presence. But a shiver ran through me as he stepped closer again,⁢ pressing his body against⁣ mine, pushing me backwards and onto the bed as he gently hovered above me, his hands still firmly on my hips. He rained ⁢kisses down‍ my body, ⁤moving further and further south, and⁢ I‍ felt the heat and warmth radiating from his⁢ kiss as he finally lay on top of me.

It was then my ​surrender happened, both ⁣of us laying motionless, not able to move as his breath caressed my ear. The world spun away as I lay with him, feeling his body move upon mine, the hardness⁢ between us growing by the second, until our union was a glorious wave of pleasure. We moved in synchronized motion together, surging higher and higher until‌ we were both .

  • Shaking ​ with anticipation, I felt his⁤ hands ⁣move firmly up my bare back, pressing ​into me as he kissed me in an ever deepening passionate⁤ frenzy.
  • The sheer​ need coursing through my body sent electricity​ up my spine, the hairs on my body standing tall with pleasure.
  • I ‌opened my mouth to speak, not sure of what to say, my anxiety rising in his presence.
  • The world spun away as I lay with ⁣him, feeling his body move upon mine, the ⁤hardness between us growing by the second, until our union was a glorious wave ​of pleasure.
  • We moved in synchronized motion together, surging higher and higher until we‍ were both balanced on the edge of‍ ecstasy.

4. Capturing the Moment of Release

4. Capturing the Moment of Release

My Erotic Journey –

When I finally felt his strong, masculine body in the‍ arch of mine, I was captivated. Every sensation was heightened ⁤and I allowed myself ‍to explore my curiosity ⁣without inhibition. ‍As I ​brushed his torso, I noticed the tightness of his six-pack and the delicious curves ‍of his ‍body that I couldn’t resist. I felt his⁢ warm⁣ breath on my neck. I heard him lightly moans. Every second of our⁣ joining was unforgettable.

Unexpectedly, he ​flipped me onto my ‍back and raised me up into his arms. As ‍he pulled away, I was desperate ⁢for more of his touch, but I couldn’t help but ⁢feel the Marcusian​ power of his manhood bearing down my body.⁣ He took my breath away as he braced his hands against my chest.‌ His ​gentle fingers sent shivers up my spine. ‌Every inch felt electric, and my tension built until I could ‍no longer hold back. I released with a loud gasp, trembled in his arms, and he erupted into a series of powerful thrusts that sent us to​ the finish⁢ line with a bang.​

We stayed in⁤ that position for a few moments after the moment of release, savoring each other in blissful contentment. ​When our bodies‍ separated, I melted into the bed, tender⁤ and tranquil.‍ That was when I realized I had experienced something truly special. The way he made me feel‍ was beyond mere pleasure. ​It was‌ an encounter which I will never forget – my barebacked first time.

Key Takeaways

As my ‌steamy journey came to an end, I laid there feeling‍ so electrified, my entire body tingling. ⁣I was exhausted, but exhilirated by the experience. I ​had taken a step​ into uncharted territory and had no regrets.​ I was now part ​of a secret world, far‍ removed from the sweet innocence I felt when I first saw him, and yet it seemed ‍like the most natural place I could find myself.⁢ Thus I partook in a night that I will never forget; a night‌ that was filled with exquisite pleasure, rapturous ⁢delight, and irrepressible passion, and I wouldn’t have it ⁣any other way.

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