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A Taste of Bliss: Licking Cum Down to the Last Drop

A Taste of Bliss: Licking Cum Down to the Last Drop

The sweetness of the cum was divine; I tasted it ⁤with⁣ an unsated urge ​for more, ‍for it ⁣sent tingles of pleasure down my spine.​ My‍ body‌ shivered with visceral delight as I​ savored⁤ each drop that ⁤lingered ⁣on my‍ lips ‍and tongue.‌

I let out⁢ a ⁤soft sigh as I cupped my hands ​together​ and slowly lapped the salty elixir, licking​ it down until it ‍was gone.‌ Every lick‌ sent ​me higher and higher in bliss, the experience better than anything ⁣I ⁢could ever ⁤describe in ‌words.⁢

It was a⁢ taste like no other–a symphony of pleasure that touched my heart and‍ soul. ⁢There ‌was something ‌so freeing about ⁢it,‍ surrendering myself entirely to⁤ the ​moment as I lost myself in its tenderness. This was‌ the closest I ‌had ever been to pure pleasure, and I wanted to ⁣savor it for⁤ as long ‌as I ⁣could.

Table of⁣ Contents

1.​ Chasing Heavenly Sensations with Luscious Cum

1. Chasing Heavenly Sensations with Luscious Cum

Desire  — Licking it Down ‍To‌ The Last ‌Drop

It was the hunger in my eyes that first​ made ⁣him ‍realize how ⁤aroused I was. His cum was ​a delicacy for which I yearned, ‌and I ‌was more than ready​ to accept ⁢what he had for‌ me. His hands traveled my body as​ he‌ pulled⁤ me ⁢closer. We​ kissed hungrily ⁣in anticipation ‌of all the ⁤pleasure that was about to come.

Unable to contain my desire ​any longer, I licked ⁤my way along his neck as ⁢my​ hands explored ‍his sweat-drenched body. His body was a temple of pleasure, each⁤ touch awakening newfound⁣ sensations within‌ me. I could feel⁤ my‌ anticipation boiling over, and‌ I craved nothing more than the taste of ⁣his ⁤cum ​on my​ tongue.

I reached my destination, and‌ my desire​ became my reward. Holding his cock in my ‌hands, ⁣I‍ caressed it​ with my tongue, ⁣licking every inch of its shaft until the oceans of ecstasy​ released ⁣his sweet load. I relished⁤ every drop that passed my⁣ lips and‌ with each‍ tide, I drifted further away. I drank of his​ cum until not a drop was left. Then I ⁣opened my‌ eyes, and I ‍was reborn in a new world, a world free from⁣ worry and pain, filled only with⁢ joy and bliss.
2. Anticipating‍ a Bodily Heaven with ⁤Every​ Lap of the Tongue

2. Anticipating a Bodily Heaven ‍with Every Lap⁣ of the Tongue

  • The Flick⁣ of my Tongue

I could feel⁣ my tongue⁢ move‍ like a conductor’s baton. It darted slowly around the thrills and crevices of his skin, piquing his passions with every dance and‌ arch. His body rose with the pounding⁤ anticipation and​ I ‌followed my‍ instincts, carefully devouring ​the‍ crisp ‌ridges of his ‍chest and sending chills through his veins ‍with each‍ slow ‌lap of my ⁣tongue. His intoxicating musk surrounding me, he leaned into me, ⁣begging for my touch,‌ begging me ‍to take things further.

  • Lapping up the Sweetness

We moved ​painstakingly‌ closer, his ⁤cravings magnified as⁣ I ‌licked and kissed my way down his shapely stomach. With every stroke of my tongue I tasted ⁤the ⁤sweet ⁢ecstasy, his‍ moment of bliss beckoning me further, as if I was close to a treasure that I was meant to‌ find. With a deep intense⁢ desire, the sweet nectar ‍of his ‍moans sent us ⁤both over the ⁢edge ⁢as I engulfed ⁤myself in pure pleasure, licking and sucking⁢ his throbbing ‌warmth ‌down to ⁤the ‌last drop. His ‍body erupted‌ with ‍a glorious cascade of bliss​ as my ‍tongue left a hot, wet⁢ trail ⁢of pleasure and desire.
3. Finding the‌ Ecstacy‍ in Every Last Drop

3. ⁣Finding the Ecstacy in Every Last ⁣Drop

With​ Every Last Drop:
My hands explored ⁢his⁤ body, ⁢fevered ‍with desire and intent. His ‍eyes were shut tight, ⁣his ⁤body a‌ coiled spring of Waiting. I lean in,​ anointing the head of his hard cock with my ‍eager​ tongue, tasting his musky​ salty sweet precum ​pooling around the head. I roll it around on ⁢my tongue, savoring⁤ the sensations, ​tingles⁢ of pleasure shooting‍ through me as I take​ him in, delicately licking around the head. ‌

I draw him ⁣further into my ⁣mouth, breathing ⁤softly around ‌him as I‌ move my lips and tongue down the length. His hips​ begin to​ buck beneath me, an​ answer ​to ⁢an unasked ​question. I deepen my attentions, drawing ⁣him up ‌and down in slow motions, his heat ⁣and‍ hard shaft filling‌ my mouth. I harden my grip, bringing the head of his ‌cock to ‍my ⁣lips and with expertise, bring ‌him to the cusp ‌of orgasm. ‌

As he reaches his ‌peak, I ⁤draw away, allowing his⁢ hot cum to ‍fill‌ my mouth, ‍mindful to taste every last drop. Swallowing ‍gradually, ⁣I bask in the ‌warmth of‌ the pleasurable ‍experience,⁢ wishing to‌ linger in⁤ the afterglow. ‍I kiss his tip lightly, a testament of my appreciation, and look ‌up to see him staring​ at me with ⁤an⁤ exquisite mixture of tenderness and‌ awe.⁢ A ⁤perfect moment, ⁢flavored with the⁣ smell of sex ⁣and ​lust, that will leave ‍me ‍with ⁤a⁣ sense of ​bliss.
4. Sexily ​Seeking the Sweetest Elixir of Contentment

4. Sexily Seeking the ⁣Sweetest ⁣Elixir of​ Contentment

1. Desires ⁢Unleashed
My loins already throbbed ‌with arousal as I approached. His body,‍ an exquisite ​elixir of understanding, called to ​me in my darkest​ moments.‌ I knew ​that my ‌tongue could take me to ‍the sweetest of places, and I wanted to revel in the ⁤sensations⁣ I​ was ‍sure to​ experience.‍ I begged with my ‍eyes, longed with⁤ all I‌ had, for the pleasure of‌ his touch,⁣ the‌ taste of his body. He smiled ⁣knowingly ‌and moved closer, granting⁣ me his permission⁢ to explore his most secret recesses, his guarded⁣ senses and subtle ​scents. I‌ wanted nothing more ⁢than to ⁣experience ‌all of him; I could⁣ no longer fight ​my overwhelming need for love and ‍sensuality.

2.The Delectable Taste⁤ of Ecstasy
I gulped down his thick⁢ cum, savoring each drop‍ that filled my ​mouth,⁤ my​ throat,⁤ to the ⁤beat of my ⁢heart. I⁤ moved my tongue in ⁤primal ⁤rhythm, searching for his ‍secrets and⁣ toying with⁣ desire as I unlocked the doorway to⁣ pleasure. ⁢As he filled me, I ⁤surrendered, ‍plunging ⁣into carnal‌ oblivion and taking nourishment from ⁢his‌ offerings. I opened ‌myself wider to his essence as his swollen rod spoke to me, motioning with promise. With each redolent taste of his love-juice, I felt sated ‍and renewed,‍ and I​ continued to drink deeper until ⁤I was quenched and blissful. ⁤

To Conclude

When all was ⁣said⁢ and done ‌and the last drop of ⁤cum⁤ had been licked clean away, ‌I lay ⁢there exhausted with a satisfied smirk still lingering on⁢ my face, knowing that some blissful moments ‌in life are‌ so intense that they‌ can’t be put into words,‌ no​ matter how hard ⁣you​ try.‌ This was one of those ‍moments – a small, perfect ‍sliver of joy that‍ I⁢ savor in ⁤my​ memory until ⁢I⁤ am hungry for another.

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