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Angel’s Kiss: My First Time

Angel’s Kiss: My First Time

It was midnight when I saw him. I could feel my heart pounding as I watched him from the shadows. He was tall and broad and his skin was glowing in the moonlight. He was like an angel come to me, his lips curved in a wicked smirk and his dark eyes piercing through me. I couldn’t resist. I walked towards him and he moved closer to me, our lips touching as we embraced in a passionate kiss. It was the start of something more… it was the start of my first time with Angel.

Table of Contents

1. Feelings of Youthful Nervousness

1. Feelings of Youthful Nervousness

I stepped out of the car into the faintly lit street, my heart racing in anticipation and my feet barely able to move. As I approached the darkened corner storefront I could feel my breath shorten and the warmth of nervousness spread across my skin. Through the open doorway I could feel a presence beyond the shadows, and a warmth that tingled down my spine.

My pulse quickened as I entered the building and looked across the empty room. There was a figure standing by the empty couch and when they appeared from the gloom, I could feel my eyes widen and my heart skip a beat. His rugged features and closely cropped hair made him seem impossibly beautiful in the fading light, and he smiled as he held out his hand for me to take. Gently drawing me into the moonlight of the small room, he pressed his lips to mine and a feeling of warmth and desire washed over me.

His touch was powerful and intoxicating as his lips caressed my own, sending waves of pleasure down to my soul. His bold kisses and firm words of desire were nothing like I’d ever tasted before, and as I felt my body grow bolder and more aroused with each movement, I knew I was experiencing something greater than myself. This was a night for the books, a night to remember, and the passion and fire between us was something that I knew I would never forget.
2. Tasting The Sweetness of Angel's Lips

2. Tasting The Sweetness of Angel’s Lips

The night was still and a fine mist wrapped itself around the world until all that remained was the streetlight haloing my body as I sauntered down the path. Glowering faces scattered down the alley like bats. I turned no heads, they’d realised I was not worth the trouble. With my footstep came the faint whistle of a man’s voice. A voice, somehow familiar to my ear. I turned to the source and what was there, standing in the alley-way was none other than Angel.

The yellow streetlight illuminated his face, it seemed like the tendrils of light were drawn to his beauty, and for a moment, I felt I was close to understanding the definition of it. His berry lips looked so sweet and his gaze danced over my face like a moth to flame. I shuddered from his soft touch, and I could feel my heart racing as I tasted the sweetness of his kiss. The longer we stayed like that, the more it felt like a eternity, and I swear I could see the stars from his eyes. Time had stretched, and I felt like I was in a dream, my body too tense with anticipation to move. It felt so good. And just like that he was gone, the sounds of his laughter ringing in my ears.
3. Savage Passion Unleashed

3. Savage Passion Unleashed

The night was smothered in shades of midnight blue, as Angel and I walked the same brick-laid path of an alley. I was toffed up in my finest suit with a pocket full of dreams, and Angel had draped himself in a silk black shirt with tight denim jeans. He had a face that made my heart race and eyes that shone like night-time stars.

The stars guided us to a place, where we could be free and untamed. A place that only existed in my fantasies, yet felt like an eternity. I stripped myself of love’s constraints and let my lips feel his. His kisses were savage and passionate. Angel taught me how to pleasure a man and how to surrender to a touch. My body writhed with pleasure as we explored each other through the night, our bodies moved just as if they held all the forgotten souls of the world. He lingered on every inch of my body as if looking for an answer to a question that I had not asked. His presence demanded respect and knowledge. We continued until both of us were spent and trembling with exhaustion and bliss.

When I laid there defeated and swept away by the force of his touch, all he said was, “Welcome, this is just the beginning”.
4. Longing For Another Angel's Kiss

4. Longing For Another Angel’s Kiss

I could feel my heart beating as if I had just ran a marathon. I had meet the man of my dreams, we had talked to each other online for hours but now we had just met in person. His eyes were the deep brown color of freshly brewed espresso. He wore a faded t-shirt and blue jeans that I wanted to tear off of him as soon as I saw him. I could feel my heartbeat rising, I wanted him.

We took each other’s hands and walked down the dark alley together, casting furtive glances at each other as my heart thumped harder and harder. We reached his apartment and finally, our lips connected. His kiss tasted sweet and passionate with a hint of something deeper and darker that made my soul soar. I had been longing for this moment for a lifetime and it finally felt like I was tasting heaven.

He guided me into his bedroom, I was trembling with anticipation and longing as we settled into his bed. His firm, yet gentle hands explored my body with such tenderness that I felt like I was an angel in his arms. I wanted him to touch every inch of me as our bodies intertwined. I felt my heart beat through my body as his lips caressed my neck, his teeth lightly nipped at my ear as he whispered my name. I was in ecstasy, I never wanted our intimate moment to end.

Key Takeaways

Angel’s kiss carried me away to the edge of what I was willing to explore and experience. It was captivating and beyond the limits of my comfort zone. My first time was intense and fiery, the meeting of two souls that left a lasting impression and an unforgettable memory. I thank Angel, for his gift of fiery passion, an enriching blessing that remains engrained in my memory and my heart.

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