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Bar Room Hook Up: Lust in the Back of the Bar

Bar Room Hook Up: Lust in the Back of the Bar

Sensual heat hung thick in the air of the smoky, dimly lit bar room. As I squinted to focus on the throngs of people writhing around, hands clinging to bodies, lips latched onto neck, I felt a familiar ache that pulled me forward, to the back corner. It was there, just beyond the music and lights, that lust met the night. A scene so typical, yet so edgy and raw with the promise of something midnight wild. The room shifted and my focus fell on the couple, entwined together, and I knew I wanted in on the action. Sweat glistened on their bodies as they moved, becoming one in perfect harmony, spilling out their wildest desires. I lingered, watching and anticipating the moment when the two connected souls would finally just hook up. But for now, they just kept dancing to the craving borne of an ever-growing lust.

Table of Contents

1.Heating Up: Descending Into Lustful Realms

1.Heating Up: Descending Into Lustful Realms

First Encounter:

  • The door handle was cold against the burning heat of my palm as opened the bar door and stepped inside. My heart raced as I scanned the room for the mystery man I was looking for – the one I’d been chatting to online all week. His photo had tugged at something inside me, a wildness that wanted to be set free.
  • Then my eyes fell on him sitting at the corner of the bar, his strong jaw slightly hidden by his thick, swept back hair. Our eyes met and it was like a spark was born between us, an electricity of expectations and promises.
  • He got up and strode over to me, his gaze with me the entire time. Gently he took my hand and our fingers intertwined as we rushed out to the night.

Descending Into Lustful Realms:

  • Gone was the civilized exterior, the polite façade we wore all week. In its place was the raw animal knowledge that only comes when passionate desire takes over and drags two men into an intimate wilderness.
  • We locked together in a darkness full of mutual need and an urgency fueled by lust as our hands explored every inch of each other’s bodies. Our hips pressed together in a tantalizing rhythm, the tension building until a soft moan escaped my lips.
  • The kiss changed then, softened as our tongues danced- a delicate, blissful tango that eventually spread to our very soul, blobbing us into a swirling frenzy of pleasure, desire and pure carnal torment until we became lost in the paradise of sexual pleasure.

2.Captivating Chemistry: Uncharted Pleasure

2.Captivating Chemistry: Uncharted Pleasure

The First Kiss

My hand drifted jerkily along the curved countertop as my eyes betrayed my shyness and zeroed in on the object of my desire. Two beers down, I had been watching him from a distance, my mind consumed by a single thought: Please let him know how I feel. For an eternity, it seemed that he didn’t notice me. But then, after what felt like endless waiting, he finally looked my way. Our eyes locked across the room, and suddenly, without warning, every word seemed to stutter from my mouth. His soft, yellow-brown eyes were kind and inviting as he moved forward, breaking the silence that symbolized our both of us fully aware of the intensity of what was about to happen. With utmost tenderness, his lips brushed against my own, and I closed my eyes, relishing the sensation of his lips on mine.

Heat of the Moment

Eagerly, I pulled him closer, allowing his strong arms to envelope me and physically mark the intensity of our shared passion. Our tongues explored each other hungrily as my thoughts drifted to the Heaven I found myself in, and in that moment I knew I wanted nothing more than to be with him for eternity. We reached a fever pitch of desire that only increased with our ardent exchange of kisses, until finally, we tore away from each other and ran in excitement toward the back of the bar, eager to bask in the pleasure of a night that promised to be wild and thrilling.
3.Finding Fulfillment: Maximum Sensual Bliss

3.Finding Fulfillment: Maximum Sensual Bliss

After a few minutes of conversation I finally felt like I was getting closer to the man, closing a floodgate of excitement and sensual touch. I could feel the steady throbbing of my heart, as his hands reached down to caress my waist. His touch sent shivers down my spine, a dizzying sensation.

Our bodies intertwined as we stumbled back to the dark corner near the back of the bar. A few soft moans escaped my lips as his hands explored my body. His lips were so fiery hot as he kissed me hungrily, his breath tickling my neck. Every movement was explosive, a thread of energy passing between us, like electricity. We undressed in a flurry of political trysts and reaches while time seemed to stand still. The crisp sheets of the bedspread comforted my skin as we sunk deep into its breaths. We were so close, so intimate, living out a passionate dream fueled by lust and promise. Our sweat-drenched bodies collided as we both reached the peak of blissful fulfillment. In that wild and thrilling moment all of my fears and worries evaporated with every thrust and kiss.
4.Indefinable Initimacy: Feelings That Rise Beyond Words

4.Indefinable Initimacy: Feelings That Rise Beyond Words

The Joy of the Hook Up

The jingle of the door reveal my desires taken form. A man of mystery, but not elusively so, openly stands there with something to give. Our eyes meet and a joyous chuckle rises – both of us in knowing what the other wanted and giving it away freely.

Quickly, we made our way to the back corner of the bar; out of sight, from prying eyes – and free of any judgement. His lips moved gently and assertively atop mine, each yearning for the same thing. A push and a pull; opposites inextricably intertwined in something beyond both of us. His hand was firm and strong – pivoting my body, and our movements, in a way that promised something more.

We laid down together in that corner of the bar, and the atmosphere closed in around us. Now, all around was our scenario, and the world slipped away. The undefinable intimacy and unspoken feelings of that moment, rose beyond any language. Instead, it remained expressed in our every movement, our room-filling sighs, and grateful grasps. Our bodies told the story in ways words cannot. And in the back of the bar – something indefinable persisted; something greater than us both.

Final Thoughts

Once sealed in a velvet embrace, no longer afraid to express our desires, we held each other, lost in the moment. The boiling room cordoned off all thoughts of the outside world, and all that was left was our lust-fuelled connection, as we churned up the dark and seedy corners of the back of the bar. In that moment we tasted forbidden fruits, realized cravings that had yet to be vocalized, and in that moment knew that the night would last forever.

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