Gay Squirter - The Online Magazine Website For Gay Men

Cumming Hard With The Muscled Nerd-God

As I⁤ lay⁢ on⁣ the bed, pinned beneath the heft‌ of the muscled nerd-god, I felt⁤ every⁢ inch of him ‌against my body. His tight white t-shirt‌ clung to his sculpted⁤ chest,‌ accentuating the bulging biceps and broad shoulders. His powerful body straddled mine, pressing urgently between ⁤my legs.‌ His hands caressed my ⁣curves before traveling to the valleys of my lower back. His eyes met mine as⁢ he​ bent his head to kiss me. I already felt my body⁢ surrendering to ‍him.

His tongue touched every bit of me,⁤ exploring and demanding more. I ‍wanted to keep going, to deepen ‍the intensity, but I‍ knew it wouldn’t ⁤be long before⁤ I ⁢melted into a million happy pieces ⁣right here and ⁢now. My body vibrated with pleasure as his strong‌ hands explored. I looked at him⁤ in awe as I felt him tremble against ⁢me. ⁣I knew that his pleasure was nothing ​compared to ⁤mine. ⁣I wanted it⁤ to last forever.

The nerd-god’s hips moved in perfect circles, crashing against mine with ‍each⁤ thrust. I was so close⁣ to ⁣cumming, I could feel it. His breathing was heavy now and I felt the effects of his⁤ movements all⁣ across my body. With⁤ one last⁣ push, I ​felt‍ the‍ wave of pleasure start from deep​ inside me and spread ‌through ​my‌ body like wildfire. I surrendered completely, crying ‌out his name as I ⁤cummed hard against his body.

Table ‌of Contents

1. Swooning ‌to Ecstasy With The⁤ Muscled Nerd-God

1.⁣ Swooning to Ecstasy With The Muscled ⁤Nerd-God

I raked my eyes over his body from head ⁣to toe, drink in‍ the spare beauty of⁣ him. ⁢He was​ an unexpected delight – a muscled nerd-god all caught up ‍in⁢ one⁤ beefy‍ frame, breathtaking​ in his‍ perfection.‌ We both ached for ‌the same thing, but neither of us made the first move.

Finally, ​it ‌was a glance – a heavy, lingering look between us ⁢that sparked something fierce and burning inside. ⁣In ​one ‍smooth, momentous motion,​ we were pressed together; a silent, passionate embrace that broke ⁢through the inhibitions ⁤of⁤ all rational thought.‌ Our skin was​ so alive ⁢with⁣ electricity. I could feel the sensation of ecstasy bubbling up between us, and with a ⁤gasp, surrendered. He was my world, and I ⁣his, and ‍our connection ⁣was something ⁢we both ⁤wanted to savor.

As ⁣his​ mouth found mine, and our tongues ⁣cocooned together into‍ infinity,‌ his hands moved on my body searching out new pleasure and secrets.‌ His breathing grew heavier, and my own⁢ answered in an ever increasing chorus, his movements closer and closer⁤ to the destination we both sought.

I reveled in being taken ⁤by the muscled nerd-god as⁣ we steadily ⁢edged closer to⁣ the⁤ ultimate pleasure. His hands intoxicated me, his mouth working me in ‍demonstrations⁤ of⁣ dominance⁢ and genuine, passionate love.‍ Then in one titillating moment, we ⁢both reached the god like⁢ summit of ⁢pleasure, our bodies⁤ locked ​in a ⁤tight embrace, dizzy with ⁢the enormity of our orgasms. ⁣We were⁣ united in this sexual ecstasy and fulfilled in⁤ the ⁤fulfillment our journey ‍had ⁢delivered.
2. Eagerly Exploring ‌His ⁢Perfect physique

2. Eagerly Exploring His Perfect​ physique

He Tasted of Sex and Sweeeeeeeet Success:

The taste of‌ him‌ as ⁣he thrust deep​ inside me was sweet and‌ heady – ⁢like a ‌perfect⁢ blend ​of sex and success. His ⁢lithe, ⁤athletic form glowed in​ the⁢ light of the bedside⁣ lamp, ​his muscled⁤ nerdy ⁤god-bod jutting and teasing me phantasmagorically. I let ‍my tongue trace⁢ the contours of his⁣ pecs, my eyes trailing pleasure-filled ⁣gazes over the planes of his ⁤chest. I watched as his breath catching in ⁣an unexpected gasp ‌as I grazed the sensitive ridge between his⁣ nipples.​ The sight of such succulent desire left me dizzy, my mouth warm with the⁣ taste of his, my hand‍ aching to experience more of his tantalizingly⁢ tight body.

His ‍Responsive⁢ Nature ⁣Left⁤ me Aching ⁤For More:

We explored each ‌other ⁣hungrily, succulently – me increasingly more daring with every skanquick of time. His ⁣clingy, responsive nature left me begging⁣ to be taken⁤ further, my fingertips ⁤tingling​ as‍ they brushed ⁢against the hard⁤ contours of his body. His biceps​ and⁤ thighs were like freshly boiled leather, hot and ‍trembling, ⁤begging ‌for ⁢attention. I could feel⁤ myself ⁣glistening ⁣as I​ lowered ‍my face and let his body engulf‍ me, his salty-sweet scent a musky⁤ delight to my ‌senses. I kissed his chest, his stomach, the inside of ⁣his ‍thighs, tasting, licking, ⁣pressing ​lightly, until finally I found myself lost in the epicenter⁣ of⁣ divine heat. All I could sense was ⁣tingling pleasure, desire, a need to ⁣just let go entirely, to⁢ cum‌ hard⁢ against the muscled nerd god.
3.⁢ An Unforgettable Night of‌ Passionate Lovemaking

3. An Unforgettable Night of Passionate Lovemaking

He emerged from ⁤the shadows, stealing my breath ⁢away.⁤ Muscular yet lithe, he radiated an aura of dominance and desire. His jet-black,​ t-shirt clung⁢ to his ripped physique like a ‍second skin, outlining fiery⁢ pectorals⁤ and rippling⁣ abs. He⁤ moved ⁤with the grace‌ of a‌ panther, exuding raw‍ confidence before he even spoke a word.

My mouth had gone​ dry from the shock of seeing him,⁢ but when he finally spoke,​ it was like a gentle rain washing away my fear. ⁤He⁣ flashed a mischievous⁤ grin and‍ asked, “What do ⁤you want ‌to do?” and I ⁣knew, ​in that moment, that‌ this night would be‌ something truly ⁣special.

We moved to the bed, and he began to undress me. His fingers traced delightfully sinful paths along my torso, sending⁤ sparks⁢ of pure pleasure coursing through my body. ⁤Every touch felt like magic against ​my skin, ‌and I allowed myself to be ⁢completely at his mercy.

He leaned​ in close, pressing his hard‍ chest to my back as he whispered, “Let me make you ⁢tremble.”⁣ I shuddered in bliss as he explored every inch ⁤of me ⁢with⁤ his passionate kisses. ⁢I was drawn in by his ​intensity, ⁣our​ gaze locked ‍in a trance of ⁢endless desire.

We⁣ cuddled beneath ‍the sheets, his ⁢strong⁤ embrace enveloping me in ⁢warmth and security. ‌I ‌lay my​ head against his⁢ bare chest,⁢ feeling ​his silent strength ripple through‌ me as he held⁤ me close. His⁤ hands tangled in my hair, a soft yet powerful growl emanating​ from⁣ his throat as he‌ kissed me again ​and again.

He moved his lips downwards,⁢ each⁢ kiss​ slowly⁤ working its way‌ lower. His⁤ breath sent tantalizing tremors down ​my spine and my body was suffused with intense pleasure. Suddenly his tongue found my sensitive spot and ‍I completely surrendered to⁤ the intensity of the moment, riding waves of‍ pure​ ecstasy until ‍we⁣ could take no more and‍ finally we reached our climax.

We lay⁤ still for a few moments, savoring the intensity of our connection and‌ feeling the effects of our⁤ passionate night together. Twined ⁤around each other in perfect‍ harmony, I finally allowed myself ⁢to drift‌ off into deep, dreamless ‌sleep.
4. ‍Soaking Up Every Moment of Euphoric Bliss

4. Soaking ⁢Up Every Moment of Euphoric Bliss

Inches Away From Immortality:

The cock was ‍a close-range missile, pointed straight ⁢at ‌me. ⁢My eyes rarely left it, and as‌ it got‌ closer and closer, my insides quivered⁣ with‍ anticipation.‍ His intense, muscled frame rode above me, pushing me farther ⁤and farther into ⁢unknown ⁣euphoria. ⁢He was ⁣my​ wish, ​encased ​in flesh and sweat, my answer to a thousand ​pleas.

The⁢ head of ‌his rod was the ⁤narrow point in ‌a spiral of possibility. His face was a⁤ portrait of concentrated desire, ⁢caressing me with his presence. I opened my breathing wide ‌for this​ stranger, ‍my body⁤ suddenly powerless to withhold anything. His uninhibited ⁣approach to the ⁣moment was laid bare, and with a few subtle touches, I felt a complete wave⁣ of pleasure engulf and ⁤bathe ​me‍ in⁤ delight. Our ⁣rhythm‌ began to rise, and I could feel the seconds stretching into an eternity of pleasure. The air ⁤around us ​moved in slow motion, and I felt that I had transcended into another reality. I lay there, my every inch alive, .

To Wrap‍ It Up

As ​I relished in the last moments of our cum-drenched encounter, I had never felt so ⁢awed ‌or alive. We had explored each others’ passions with a tender intensity that ⁣only an intimate understanding⁤ of⁢ flesh ‍can provide.⁢ The godly handsome Nerd-God‌ had​ shown me something greater, something wild and unrestrained, and I would carry it with me in my heart every day. And though the fiery whirl of our romp was over, ‌I still felt ⁤the afterglow coursing through my‌ veins like molten pleasure. ⁣As I gathered myself to go, ⁣we share ⁢a final knowing look. We both knew ⁣it wouldn’t be the last. And that, ⁣as⁢ we​ both adjusted our clothes again, was all⁤ the sweet⁤ reassurance ⁢either ‌of us needed. Until next time.


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