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Lips Parted, Eyes Locked: Sucking Austin’s Big Cock

Lips Parted, Eyes Locked: Sucking Austin’s Big Cock

The dimly-lit ‍motel room ‌smelled of stale sweat⁤ and something ⁣more acrid,⁢ something ‌unspeakable. I arrived just in time ‌to see‌ him; Austin, my new⁤ adventure for​ the night, standing‍ by the window, the ⁣half-light ⁣of the‍ evening pouring in through it ‌and reflecting‌ off ‍his glistening muscular body.‍ I ‌couldn’t stop myself from ⁤noticing the wicked curve of​ his lips as he ​smiled,⁤ inviting me in ⁤with an almost ‍silent gesture.

There was‌ an⁤ undeniable attraction between us as we approached​ each other, eyes​ locked and breaths ‌deep. He introduced himself with a nod and I‌ felt compelled to do the same,‌ orgasmic anticipation already ‌running through me as I took a step closer. Austin’s big cock seemed to be calling‌ to‌ me, ‍begging​ me to wrap my⁢ unquenchable lips around its bulging head. I still remember to ‌this ‌day the way his eyes rolled​ in pleasure as I began to pleasure him.

Table⁤ of Contents

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1. “Aroused​ to the Limit: Unwrapping the Perfect Package”

The Moment⁤ of Undressing

Austin‍ stood before me, nothing​ but a pair of​ tight black boxer briefs around his waist. His smooth, ⁣ olive⁣ skin glowed ⁣ in the‌ moonlight, the ⁤curves of his‌ physique formed‍ from hours of hard⁣ work in​ the gym. This was my moment,⁣ to finally ​unwrap⁤ the perfect package ‍and⁢ have ‌my ‍every desire satisfied.

My fingertips moved slowly ⁢as they traced a path along his body—over his well defined chest and‌ down his muscular stomach.⁣ His‌ every breath increased ⁤in excitement as I ⁤moved closer. His lips parted, his eyes ​locked ⁤with mine,⁢ and I ⁣felt my own arousal ⁣increase to the​ limit.

The ⁣Inevitable Release

I ⁢finally grab hold of his‍ boxer briefs and with one swift movement,‍ endured​ in‍ pleasure,‍ our moment​ of ⁤anticipation ends. His cock, swollen and‌ hard, rests in my hands.⁤ I bring it ‌closer ​to my lips‌ and let it lay ⁣there, feeling ⁣the heat ⁣radiating ‌off ⁣it and its smooth shape‌ against my own skin. Sensing my eagerness, Austin ​wraps his ⁣arms around⁣ my back, pressing me close and I nod my‍ head before finally⁢ taking his big cock in my mouth.

I close my⁢ eyes ​and relish in‍ the pleasure, his moans echoing around us as​ I ⁢move my mouth up and down his‍ prick.‍ His thrusts grow increasingly intense‌ as ⁣I take him down my throat and‌ he begins to shudder in delight. Finally, I sene⁢ his body stiffen and feel the release of his passionate orgasm as⁤ I gulp it⁤ all down.
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2. “The Secret Applause: ⁢Exploring All‍ the Pleasure”

My ⁣hands‍ packed ‍and ⁤jostled ⁢as ⁤they ​caressed the tight⁢ skin of his taut torso. Every hair on Austin’s body seemed to stand at ‍attention as ‌I glided my touch ​across his body in a⁤ fevered⁤ onslaught. I‌ toyed and twisted⁣ each ⁤and‌ every tendon – ⁤enjoying ⁢the muscular song I heard while his body trembled in anticipation. ‌I leant my head in and‍ closed my⁣ eyes⁢ while​ my lips warmly touched the tip of Austin’s‍ penis. ⁤He choked back ​a relieved⁣ moan as ⁢I ran​ my tongue ​around the ridge‌ of‍ his soft ​crown, savouring the ⁢thrill of his cock pulsing and ‌gyrating⁢ beneath me. Austin slowly opened​ his legs wider as I drove my ⁢mouth up ‍and down further, his puffs of relieved breath ⁤vibrating⁢ my lips ⁢and tongue.

The​ heat rose ⁤up as my hands began to⁤ wander exploring Austin’s body. ​I‍ took the ⁢opportunity to delve further, tracing ‌a⁤ line of kisses up and down his thighs, relishing in the musky​ smell that‍ filled⁢ my senses.‌ I ⁢nibbled on him softly, taking in ⁢every ⁤taste, ⁤every sensation. ‌His moans of‌ pleasure⁤ like a drug ‍that ignited my soul.​ My heart raced⁤ with ‌every turn of ⁤my tongue, every move of my hand. All of my attention ‍focused ⁣on just Austin and his incredibly ‌strong cock. Time seemed⁤ to stand‍ still as ​our pleasure soared. The ecstatic⁤ sensations⁢ starting⁤ to take ahold and drive me wild.⁤ With lips‌ parted and‌ eyes locked, we both ⁢shared a​ moment​ of bliss. ​And in ⁢that moment, we achieved pure satisfaction.
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3. “Intoxicating the Moment:‌ Recognizing the Chemistry”

I ⁢could feel the electricity of the room as his brown ⁢eyes ​locked onto mine. His lips were parted in a sultry smile that slowly stirred the air​ around us ​into a slow simmer⁢ of⁢ arousal. I watched as he moved‌ closer, transfixed by the way his jeans ​clung to his every ​movement. I felt‍ my cock ⁤swell ‍in anticipation⁣ as he ran a single finger ​along my chin.

My‌ heart beat faster then, his gaze turning to⁤ my lips ⁣before his head dipped down and his⁤ mouth collided with my own. His⁢ lips‌ were ⁤hot and⁣ demanding, pushing and ‌tasting deeper whether I‌ begged ‌them to ⁤or not. His hands⁤ moved ⁤down and one of them rested atop my‍ swollen bulge, rubbing⁣ it ‌fiercely. My‌ eyes⁣ closed, ​my‌ head falling ‍back as I gave in to him.⁤

He ‌smiled then, ⁤his⁢ free ​hand gently pushing​ me back onto the bed. His movements were seductive and ⁣wild, his fingertips⁣ tracing​ tantalizingly along my shoulder and down⁣ my chest. His touch⁣ seeped with the fire of passion, radiating‌ outward.

He finally‌ met ⁢my gaze then, ⁣offering a teasing smirk as he ‌unzipped his jeans and​ pulled out his large, hard cock. His eyes ‌flashed with desire as ⁤he⁢ began ⁣to‍ stroke⁤ himself, each stroke sending an enticing ‌wave of pleasure through my body.⁣

I​ reached out for‌ him then, pushing ⁤him to the bed as I got on top⁢ of him and‍ started ‍sucking ⁣his​ big, beautiful dick. Our⁢ mouths worked in unison, each taste bringing a new rush‍ of pure pleasure. His⁤ moans⁤ only added⁢ to my ‌need⁤ for⁤ more,‌ and ⁤I eagerly lapped up each drop of sweet cum as he erupted ⁣into ⁣ecstasy.
<img class=”kimage_class” ​src=”“‍ alt=”4. “Double Header: ​Setting​ off Waves ⁢of Feverish Desire”>

4. ⁤”Double Header: Setting off Waves of Feverish Desire

Searing ⁤Skin on Skin:

Austin was ⁤a picture of temptation. His ‍tight-fitting tank top made his buff biceps scream⁣ out ‍while his jeans ⁣clung ⁤desperately as⁣ if unable‌ to contain ⁣his lean thighs. ⁢I felt ⁣heat radiating off him, and⁢ I didn’t want it⁣ to subside. His full lips‍ cupped‌ into a slight smirk‍ as he squinted‌ up at⁣ me.⁣ The fire behind his eyes was ⁢electric ‍and ‌tangible. We just stared into each other’s souls‍ for‍ a⁤ few moments until his lips parted and he asked me to follow him.‌

A Succulent Essense ‍of Pleasure:

We made our ‍way to his bedroom in the back room, each⁣ step ‌seeming to last an eternity. ⁤As soon⁢ as we got⁢ there, my heart ⁣began to race as if it knew what was about ‍to unfold. We finally couched ourselves together on the‍ bed, our lips pressed‌ firmly⁤ against each other’s. In our⁣ minds, waves​ of irresistible pleasure began to⁣ circulate. I ⁣couldn’t‌ resist it any longer. ⁣I wanted to build upon that ‌insatiable ⁢fire‍ burning inside‌ me, ⁣so I ⁢slowly slid down his ‌body, my hands exploring ​every inch⁣ of him.⁢ Austin’s moans of ​pleasure ⁢echoed⁤ around ‍us as my mouth finally⁤ enveloped his raging hard cock. ‌His⁢ robust size and succulent essence made my eyes ⁣roll back in‍ elation‌ as I thoroughly sucked and licked every inch of him.

Wrapping Up

Austin and I ​had come to our conclusion ​- ⁣that no two​ souls had⁣ ever felt ⁣such intense⁢ pleasure⁣ completely in⁤ sync. We parted ourselves⁤ and said ‌nothing, but parted with⁣ the assurance that ‌neither ⁣would ever‍ forget‍ this night. We had ⁣sacrificed ourselves to ⁢our ⁢passionate desires,⁤ and now‍ our kiss, our touch, and his sweet cock ⁣- all memories ‍that ​I‌ would take ​with me forever.⁣

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