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Tantalizingly Taboo: A Barebacked First Time

Tantalizingly Taboo: A Barebacked First Time

I had heard about it, heard whispers of it passed through hushed tones, like the night secrets only sworn to shadowed walls and welcoming strangers. It was the kind of thing that was always whispered about but never actually experienced; the kind of thing you only read about in ancient scrolls and erotic literature. I was getting ready to do the impossible—it was a tantalizingly taboo experience that I was about to embark upon: a barebacked first time.

I remember the butterflies as we chatted in the soft moonlight, the butterflies that surged through my veins as our hands became entwined, and the butterflies that took flight as our palms grew hot against each other’s skin. I felt a heat that seemed to stretch across our embracing arms—we were both eager to press even closer to the escalating passion and hungry spark that had sparked between us. I felt my excitement come alive, kissed by the devilish deed I was about to make, and I could sense his same anticipation as his lips started to seek out mine.

Before I knew it, I was ready to embark on this daringly daring journey. The feeling of his body pressed against mine as he shed his clothes and settled himself over me is something that still haunts me to this day. In that moment, I felt entranced and my anticipation rose as his member pushed against my own tender skin. I knew I was ready—I wanted it, and I wanted to feel the sensation of this taboo experience.

In that moment, I felt it. A surge of heat, a shudder of desire, and the thrill of something so tantalizingly taboo yet desperate to be experienced.

I was ready for my first time—a sensual, barebacked experience I’d never forget.

Table of Contents



Throbbing with anticipation, and electrified with arousal, my heart pounded and I gave in without hesitation. I felt his hands exploring the curves of my body, the tingling anticipation so strong I could barely contain my desire. He suddenly pushed me back onto the bed and within moments I felt the heat of his tongue running down my neck, as his hands caressed my chest and roamed further down my abdomen. I felt an intense need for him, and all these years of repressed desire that had been swollen with desire unleashed in that moment.

Lies and secrets evaporated with the first stroke of his caresses. His warmth engulfed me as I knew it was time. I trembled with anticipation, and soon there was no more waiting, no more yearning; it was time. Our moment of truth had arrived and I welcomed the burning sensation that consumed my nerves with unbridled volatility. He eagerly dropped his jeans, his manhood hardening as we removed all barriers between us. I was finally living my truth and he was my guide.

1.Radically Raw: Answering the Call

1.Radically Raw: Answering the Call

My trembling fingertips followed the smooth contours of his body as if it were a roadmap taking me to unknown places of pleasure. His breath quickening as my hands meandered across his toned torso, I moved closer… discovering in that moment the kind of passion I’d only ever dreamed of before, and I knew I had to go further.

He rolled over onto his front, inviting me to him. A sudden rush of energy coursed through the length of my core, an excitement I’d never felt before. Reaching back, I knocked off the cap of my favorite flavored lubricant and, in a single, steady motion, I spread the cool liquid across his opening.

With the lubricant already starting to drip down his opening, I moved closer. Gripping myself, my c*ck slowly entered him as we both sighed in pleasure. As my full length was in him, he arched his back revealing the intensity of this most divine sensation. He felt so good, so tight and inviting. He was mine.

Our motion began to become more rhythmical as we chased our pleasure together. The bedroom was silent but for the sound of our breathing and pleasure, an intensity mirroring my own that I’d never shared with anyone else.

He started to gradually tighten around my c*ck as I felt my pleasure mounting. His body called out for me and I finally understood the full power of our union. I bucked my hips, pushing further and further until his body could take no more. I braced one arm against the bed, feeling an intense wave of pleasure and passion surge through our bodies as we both climaxed. Our sweat dripping down, hearts beating together, I’d just had a beautifully raw and utterly tantalizing barebacked experience.
2.Unleashing Arousal: The Seductive Situation

2.Unleashing Arousal: The Seductive Situation

  • The Bold Beginning: I was standing there in the dark studio apartment, my body trembling with anticipation. He was a complete stranger and we were soon to be lovers. Undressing, we approached each other tentatively, and I felt my desire begin to spark inside me. His hands went to my waist, pulling me against him and the sensation of his skin against mine caused a surge of heat through me. This was a thrilling yet foreign experience, a new type of intimate ritual.
  • All-Consuming Lust: His lips crashed onto mine and I felt myself melt into him. We became a single entwined being, a mass of blazing desire and burning heat. We began to move together in a primitive, guttural rhythm, both of us desperate to feel our arousal heightened. As we reached its boiling point, I felt something inside me give way, unlocking a new level of intensity and an unrestrained set of emotions. Our eyes met in a moment of unspoken connection and as he slowly entered me, the pleasure washed over us both like a wave.

3.Passion Unleashed: A Toolbox of Pleasures

3.Passion Unleashed: A Toolbox of Pleasures

The Anticipation

  • A frenzied heart beat pulsing rapidly with the warmth of desire
  • Wet, magnetic lips brush against skin, searching for confirmation
  • An invitation offered up in passionate sighs backed by a hungry eagerness
  • The welcome embrace of hands seeking yet trembling to caress

The desire was growing ever so intensely and it would soon be consummated. I lay bare on the bed, uncovered and unashamed of my need, I heard his heavy and hurried breathing as he approached the unquestionable moment of our connection. The air around us had suddenly become thick with an almost tangible energy of two lovers about to indulge in something unknown yet eagerly plotted.

The Journey Begins

  • A burning torso collides with skin straining for satisfaction
  • Muscles tense and writhe in harmony with advancing pleasure
  • The grip tightens, anchoring us to a ride of unrelenting desire
  • Never before has pleasure been so intense, so unbearably pure.

Time seemed to stand still as we explored each other with frantic urgency; the sensation of being with another with nothing to hold us back was simultaneously frightening and exhilarating. Our breath becoming one, the power of the moment soon becoming unbearable only bolstering the need to continue. His hardness against my softness felt like something out of this world; I was no longer just receiving pleasure but giving it too, two masterfully crafted bodies entwined in sinful pleasure. Waves of pleasure were becoming stronger and more frequent as we climbed higher, the magnetic force of our connection becoming more and more irresistible.
4.Exploring Boundaries: Reveling in the Rites of Passion

4.Exploring Boundaries: Reveling in the Rites of Passion

My ability to stay in control when it came to the day I had my first barebacked experience had an almost mythical quality about it. I had often heard of it and dreamed of it, desperately wanting to delve into the sensation of pure, naked flesh against mine. But I also feared it.

Explore the boundaries of pleasure I must, I thought to myself as I arrived at his apartment. I knew that this was a special threshold I was crossing, and I felt giddy knowing that this could be a night to remember.

The first thing I did was strip, the air alive with a static energy as I unveiled my body to my new lover. His gaze, passionate and primal, caressed my body with carnal longing. His eyes seemed to delve deeper and deeper, searching for a different kind of truth as I stepped closer to him. A whisper escaped his lips as I stood beside him, his anticipation palpable, building a surging desire within me.

It was time.

As I lay back, he positioned himself between my legs, and I felt an electric wave of anticipation wash over me as he slowly entered. His skin, smooth yet taut, gradually and tantalizingly filled up my body, each gentle thrust revealing the secrets of pleasure I had only read about before. His hands nearly trembling, he gradually and rhythmically began to move, and the intensity of our connection reaching unbearably pleasurable heights.

Closing my eyes, I reeled in the waves of pleasure that rolled through me, supple and sweeping like a warm summerbreeze. This was a trust I hadn’t reached with any other lover, a trust that obliterated the boundaries between us, leaving only pleasure and passion in its wake.

The Conclusion

It was the barest of unforgettable experiences that I’ll ever want to have. Every second was full of incredible pleasure and intense physical sensation that spurred on the next and the next. I know it wasn’t traditional ‘lovemaking’ but it certainly felt like it in that moment. I’d go barebacked again in a heartbeat. That’s why I think it’s so important to take a chance on a tantalizingly taboo experience like this. You never know what new and exciting horizons will open up before you. So keep an open mind, and who knows, you might find intense pleasure in something that’s a little bit taboo!

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